Monday, May 10, 2010

Enza51 vs Senph42

Last weekend we painted again at the abandoned building we found few months ago. This time we decided to paint in the basment. Well, I don't know if that was a good idea, 'cause we arrived pretty late, so it was a bit too dark down there. OK, I don't want to cry about it, it's not the first nor the last time I have to paint in dark, but if we have the chance to make something at broad daylight, than why not? ;)
the basement
So, here's a preview of this session, more characters and background (and normal photos) coming soon! Next time I'm going to do some roller pieces/characters after we finish this wall...


z3r0 said...

looks awesome!

Senph42 said...

Thanks mate! Btw, it's still not finished.... ;)