Friday, June 27, 2014

Mixer Festival

I was invited by Artez to help setting up a street art exhibition during this years' Mixer Festival in Belgrade, but he was also kind enough to invite me to the main mural painting event alongside of a bunch of good and talented guys, here's a quick recap of my stay


I worked with Kivu and a few volunteers to set up some combo walls and panels from stickers. Most works were mailed to the direct call for art before the festival, but both Kivu and me arrived with lots of stickers we collected during street art shows we hosted in our hometowns. I wish to thank all of the artists who gave me approval to use their stickers that they sent me for earlier S3T ART shows...

The mural painting took place in Mostarska street, just behind the Mixer House, and the whole alley was painted during and after the festival, it was a pretty surreal scene. I met a bunch of cool people, some old and new friends and colleagues I knew only online before (Werty brateeeee! :D )

The next day Stan kidnapped me and took us to paint another wall somewhere in Belgrade:

Unfortunatelly I didn't had the chance to see the finished wall since I had to come home, but Stan sent me this joiner of the whole wall:

Mr. Zero, Fat Heat, "Lunar" by Stan and me

Again, a big thanks for everyone who made this experience happen, especially for Artez for invite and hospitality, Stan for being a guide and help everywhere, Bond and Corte for the good times, everyone who I met during my stay, the people from Mixer House, Igor Svetel for the photos ald everybody else who I can't even list here... See you soon!

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