Saturday, January 29, 2011


As I mentioned before, we are in the middle of a house restoration process and I found some old photos among other interesting stuff. These were shot with old Soviet point-and-shoot Smena 8 (wow, how hipster-ish does this sound?) and Zenit 8 SLR cameras with the most common film at that time, Konica VX100.

Don't ask, I have no idea what's going on here
Good old times on River Tisa
Ixobrychus minutus
Buteo buteo
Asio otus
No birds were harmed during photo sessions. :) This Long-eared Owl (Asio otus) was captured, marked and released in an ornithology research camp at Lake Ludas in North Serbia. This was one of the most memorable moments during my stay there, as I was the one who found this owl trapped in the net during first check at 5AM, you can imagine how excited I was... After receiving his tracking ring, he was released again.

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