Graffiti in abandoned buildings
I have always enjoyed seeing graffiti in abandoned buildings, factories and similar places where no one can complain that it is vandalism what graffiti artists do. These are hidden treasures for writers, since a regular Joe would never come here to disturb you while you paint, there is almost no chance that you can get in trouble with law and chances are great that your piece will last longer than usually on the streets: no fading, buffing, crossing or painting over.
I was very excited when Enza51 mentioned me this place in our city that's out of sight and maybe we could get inside to paint. So, we packed up our tools and visited this building. It was way better than we expected: 3 floors, a lot of little rooms, natural light and different types of walls. Unfortunately we didn't have time to stay too long, so we quickly painted some freestyle letters. However, you could expect more stuff soon from this little private playground of ours! ;)
Enza51 -
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