Last year we made this little exhibition that was featured on Museom Nights in the National Museum of Kikinda. Although we were asked only few days before the show to prepare some works based on given theme (Curia Horror - folk tales and legends about creatures of the North Banat District) we managed to finish 8 paintings. After the Museum nights they were moved to Caffe Bah in the city centre.
The flyer, the paintings by Senph42, Ent and Enzo and some action shots
Latest semi-legal action with Enzo51 in Kikinda at his neighborhood. We didn't have permission for this wall but it's already ruined with tags and throw-ups. The neighbours liked these pieces, so chances are big that we'll get permission for the whole wall for a little hall of fame...
Recently I found some inspiring tutorials about HDR photography and decided to try out those tricks. Although I don't have (yet) the adequate equipment (DSLR camera, tripod etc...), I've tryed to pull out the best from my Nikon L14. As always, practice is the best tutor: after going through the whole process from taking photos to retouching them in various programs, I learned some things that I will do different next time. Here are my first steps in HDR photography:
I have just found this flyer and the pictures on my computer. They are from an exhibition held in Győr, Hungary in 2006 where my stickers were featured amongst others. Click on images to view them in full size.
I've been asked to create a logo, identity and a small guerilla marketing campaign for the newly opened Youth Office (Kancelarija za mlade Kikinda) in my hometown. Here are the images of the poster, letterhead, stencil, flyers and the logo itself...
This wall was done during the Kimus Festival during 27-29 of August. A big thank you goes out to the organizers, sponsors, friends and of course, the featured artists (from top to bottom): Senph42[KAC], Enzo [KAC], Kast [AFX], Obie [DZ], Mr.Zero [CFS] and the character was done by FatHeat[CFS]. We had a great time, the weather was (maybe a bit too) hot, and the most important thing, everybody was satisfied and happy with the result :) Thank you guys, see you asap!
It's been a while since the last post, the reason of my lost is that I'm constantly outside painting. I'm finishing two big ongoing projects tomorrow, so be ready for some sick new stuff! ;)